What is Domain Theft?
How Does it Happen?
When someone takes control of your domain, without your permission, your domain has been stolen. This usually happens without the owner even knowing – sometimes by hacks, sometimes by stolen passwords, and sometimes by unscrupulous employees.
Registrars: Less Help Than You Think
Once your domain is stolen, your registrar has little power to get it back. They can request the return and complain to ICANN but many registrars won’t even do that. And it rarely works.
What Happens to Stolen Domains?
The income from the stolen domain goes to the thief, who can also sell your domain to the highest bidder – and they keep the cash!
Greenberg & Lieberman Intellectual Property Lawyers
1:03-cv-00026-LMB Size, Inc. v. Network Solutions, et al
1:03-cv-00936-JCC Future Media v. Cool, Inc., et al
1:03-cv-01494-LMB Future Media v. Richardson
1:04-cv-00264-CMH Future Media, v. QNX Software Systems
1:05-cv-00715-CMH-TRJ NCR Corporation v. Prime.com et al
1:05-cv-00877-CMH-TRJ Mastercard International v. PRICELESS.COM
1:08-cv-00672-TSE-TCB LG Electronics USA, Inc. v. LG.com
1:09-cv-01141-CMH-IDD Weitzman v. Lead Networks Domains Pvt. Ltd.
1:14-cv-00418-JCC-TRJ Lee v. Kremnev
1:14-cv-00903-LO-TCB Huang v. Xie et al
1:14-cv-01120-LO-MSN Jin v. 001hh.com et al
1:14-cv-01607-LMB-TCB Traffic Names, Ltd. v. Yiming
1:15-cv-00583-LO-IDD Kametani v. Fei
1:15-cv-00608-AJT-MSN Alfieri-Crispin v. Ting
1:15-cv-00970-LO-TCB Media Break Away, LLC v. Qiuhaiji
1:15-cv-00972-CMH-MSN CMN.COM, LLC v. Doe
1:16-cv-00235-AJT-MSN Jin v. manhua.com et al